Kiarrcats of Ryll


Map of Mauroum

A lonely land indeed, Mauroum lies far to the west of Rouen. Too small to be properly called a continent, but perhaps a bit big for an island, Mauroum is the last significant-sized landmass on the face of Ryll. It is a land of cool, misty forests and rolling hills. Like its tropical cousin Tikikiarshu, Maurom's interior is poorly mapped, though perhaps a little better as the terrain is less impassable.

Perhaps the only land on Ryll more isolated than Mauroum, except for various tiny islands too small to show on the main map, is the little island of Yaaurn, off Mauroum's west coast. Yaaurn is Mauroum in miniature, even smaller, even lonelier. It is sometimes used as a jump-off point for voyages to Tikikiarshu, but since few kiarrs come here to begin with, these trips are few and far between.