Kiarrcats of Ryll

Water Kiarrcats

Water Kiarrcat

Upon looking at a Water for the first time, one could be forgiven for thinking they were some sort of cross between a cat and an otter. Waters are one of the most highly derived kiarrcats, and indeed, with their low slung bodies, streamlined forms, and webbed paws, they bear a marked resemblance to otters more than cats. The tail is a little longer than normal, and flattened into a paddle. The ears are small, and the coat sleek and waterproof, with virtually nonexistent cheek ruffs. Waters are the smallest species of kiarrcat, thanks to their short legs. They are fairly clumsy on land, moving with an odd rolling gait, and their webbed paws make it difficult for them to manipulate objects, but in the water they are excellent swimmers, surpassed by no other kiarrcat species. Not even the Polars can match a Water in speed, grace, and manoeuvrability. A water's body is pressure resistant like a seal's, allowing them to dive to great depths, and they don't suffer from decompression problems or nitrogen narcosis on surfacing. Water kiarrcats are air breathers like all other mammals, but they can comfortably hold their breath for an average of half an hour, and more with experience.

Waters have a very widespread range. If there's water to be found, they probably live there, although they leave the icy north and south to the Polars. They are most common in temperate regions, but a few can be found in the tropics, mingling with Rainforests who share much of their habitat. Rivers, lakes, marshlands, coasts, and open sea are all fair game, though they prefer to live on the shorelines. As a Water's natural abilities don't allow them command of solid materials such as stone or wood, they either enlist the help of neighbouring species to create dens, or manually build their own. Some of these homes can be quite creative despite a Water's clumsy paws. A common motif is a series of wooden platforms anchored to the sea bed, upon which the kiarrcats can build their homes and dive right into the water. Clans can be quite large, especially on the shore as the sea is rich in wildlife. The cuisine is a bit predictable though - seafood, seafood, and more seafood...

Waters can be great travellers too. Though they don't live in the open ocean full time, they are quite capable of making transcontinental journeys with a little preparation, sleeping floating on the sea surface and eating whatever they can hunt. A large number of Waters are in the business, so to speak, of ferrying goods and other kiarrcats in boats across the sea. The Waters themselves are rarely in the boats though - they much prefer to swim alongside, using their abilities to help propel the craft along.

Traits and Abilities