Kiarrcats of Ryll

White Cove

Moving southward down the eastern coast, the rainforest breaks up into a multitude of tiny islands, too small to be shown on the main map. These islands are formed of the same white limestone that underlies the mainland forests. Many take the form of briliant white stacks topped by verdant plant life, rising from the shallow turquoise sea. Caves are common where waves cut into the stone, but exploration can be risky to the unprepared, with rising tides and flooded passages added to the usual hazards. Below the water lies one of Ryll's most expansive coral reefs, fed by the shallow warm water. Some of these reefs are breeding grounds for yorou.

This is quite a populous area, home mainly to Water, Rainforest, and Air kiarrs. As many of the islands are too steep to easily climb, most of the non-fliers live on platforms suspended over the sea surface, forming entire floating communities that rarely set foot on land. Life here is relaxed, though it pays to be on the lookout for venomous reef life.

The Archetype of Water

The current Archetype of Water is Lana, an appropriately dark blue kiarr speckled with golden flecks and Archetype markings. She is a somewhat moodly individual, rarely opening up to strangers. Those who get to know her, though, will discover the water kiarr to be a pleasant enough individual when needed, albeit one with an occasionally odd sense of humour.